Wills Eye Global “Throw Back Thursday” how far we have come

Dr. Zubair in Hyderabad, India

Last year, Wills Eye Global had two fellows, Zubair Ansari MD and Suzette Luke MD, who served as our Academic Fellows from July through June 2019. Here is Zubair’s report from the field. He recalls the beauty and development of Hyderabad, where he was born and remained the home of his mother. He returns as a Wills Eye Global fellow with a mission to reduce preventable blindness.  His report:

Hyderabad is a large city in the south-central part of India, which has always been familiar to me. I was born roughly 400 km from here in a small town along the Godavari river called Rajahmundry. Most of the family have since moved to Hyderabad, and as such, I have visited this city multiple times since I was a child. Every time I visit, I am humbled by the level of progress and development this city has experienced. Many now refer to it as “Cyberabad” thanks to the massive tech boom of the 2000s or the new high-speed rail that zips along with the city. But most importantly…..read more here, https://www.willseyeglobal.org/through-the-eyes-of-my-grandmother/ Please consider volunteering or making a small donation in support of Wills Eye Global here, https://www.willseye.org/center-academic-global-ophthalmology/donate-to-center-for-academic-global-ophthalmology/